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Illustration of a brown-skinned woman with a slight smile gesturing towards the right with her hand

Read This First

No ARIA is better than Bad ARIA. Before using any ARIA, read this to understand why.

  • Landmark Regions

    ARIA landmark roles provide a powerful way to identify the organization and structure of a web page.
  • Providing Accessible Names and Descriptions

    Providing elements with accessible names, and where appropriate, accessible descriptions, is one of the most important responsibilities authors have when developing accessible web experiences.
  • Developing a Keyboard Interface

    Unlike native HTML form elements, browsers do not provide keyboard support for graphical user interface (GUI) components that are made accessible with ARIA; authors have to provide the keyboard support in their code.
  • Notifying Users with Live Regions (Automatic Screen Reader Announcements)

    Live regions can be used to inform assistive technology users of important changes as they happen.
  • Grid and Table Properties

    To fully present and describe a grid or table, in addition to parsing the headers, rows, and cells using the roles described in the grid pattern or table pattern, assistive technologies need to be able to determine other structural and presentation characteristics, such as the number and visibility of rows and columns.
  • Communicating Value and Limits for Range Widgets

    ARIA defines the following roles as range widgets, which means they communicate a value that is typically numeric and constrained to defined limits.
  • Structural Roles

    ARIA provides a set of roles that convey the accessibility semantics of structures on a page.
  • Hiding Semantics with the presentation Role

    While ARIA is primarily used to express semantics, there are some situations where hiding an element’s semantics from assistive technologies is helpful.
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